Day In the Life Video

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. Archimedes  Here at PlumbTalk Productions, we are continually amazed at the talent that walk through the doors of our...

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Stage Jitters

“There are two types of speakers. Those who get nervous and those who are liars.” ― Mark Twain Well…perhaps “liar” is a strong word, but I think that many will agree frantic nerves and a racing heart are common for...

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Income Tax Refund

What Should I Do With My 2016 Income Tax Refund?   Tax season is a great time to revisit your 2016 Financial Resolutions.  How much progress have you made?  Are you on the right track?  Have your financial goals...

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Tips: Promotional Video

Lights…camera…action! With regards to effective promotional videos we have found that one must be prepared before standing in front of the camera for the first time. Let us explain… Research:  Know your brand and your competition.  Be familiar with...

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Shake That Tree

I wait, holding my breath as one rider after another crosses the finish line.  My son has been training for this race diligently and has been dreaming of placing in the top three in his division. I watch as...

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Doing What Works (Part 3)

Recharge and Pre Sleeping Rituals.   “It is never too late, each of us can change ‘how we do’ if we really want to. Follow and plan a regime that works for you and only you.”   How many...

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